Would you like to find out?
There are several simple tests that you can use to determine if you are a witch.
Do you enjoy cooking?
Do you like cats?
Do you have a long nose?
Do you have warts?
Do you ever wear black clothes?
Do you like black pointy hats?
Are you interested in toads, snakes, bats, lizards, or mice?
Do you like mushrooms on your food?
Do you own a broom?
Do you dream of flying?
Do bad things happen to people you are angry with?
Do you like to walk through graveyards?
Do you cackle when you hear jokes?
Are you happiest around midnight?
Do you like to talk in rhymes?
Have you ever eaten chocolate covered eye-of-newt or candied bat wing?
If you have any of these symptoms, you may wish to consult your family physician ( not that they’ll help you or anything).
terça-feira, 26 de outubro de 2010
quinta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2010
Halloween Quiz
1. Which monster drinks blood?
a. ghost
b. mummy
c. vampire
d. witch
2. What does a witch use to fly?
3. Which of these is a witch’s pet?
a. bat
b. toad
c. cow
d. black cat
4. What does a vampire sleep in?
5. What do witches do with cauldrons?
a. wear it
b. cook with it
c. fly with it
d. eat with it
6. What monster is usually wrapped in bandages?
7. Which animal uses its sensors to fly at night?
8. What do children do at Halloween?
a. they kick and treat
b. they stick and treat
c. they eat and hit
d. they trick and treat
Keys: 1 – vampire; 2 – broom; 3 – black cat; 4 – coffin; 5 – cook with it; 6 – mummy; 7 – bat; 8 – They trick and treat.
copyright, 2007
(1) I was wrapped in white and buried in my tomb a long time ago. Now, I wait in the dark with my golden treasures all around. Outside the sand piles high over top my tomb. Who am I?
(2) I am a monster that has been on a diet. There is no fat on me! Or muscle either! You might say that I am all skin and bones --without the skin. I rattle when I walk. And my teeth chatter when I talk. Who am I?
(3) I come from far, far away. Most people think I am green and hideous. But really I am not so bad. I am just looking for a few Earthlings to put in my zoo back on my home planet. Who am I?
(4) Welcome! Have a seat. Dinner will be served shortly. Sorry we don't have any garlic bread. I can't stand it. What am I drinking you ask? Don't worry . . . it's . . um . . . grape juice. Now just relax while I look at your neck. Who am I?
(5) I walk through walls as I please. Sometimes you can see me and sometimes you can't. I moan and I groan. I rattle chains. You find me in old houses, graveyards, and castles. Who am I?
©2008 Lanternfish ESL at
sexta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2010
Homenagem ao dia do professor
As bolas de papel na cabeça,
Os inúmeros diários para se corrigir,
As críticas, as noites mal dormidas...
Tudo isso não foi o suficiente
Para te fazer desistir do teu maior sonho:
Tornar possíveis os sonhos do mundo.
Que bom que esta tua vocação
Tem despertado a vocação de muitos.
Parece injusto desejar-te um feliz dia dos professores,
Quando em seu dia-a-dia
Tantas dificuldades acontecem.
A rotina é dura, mas você ainda persiste.
Teu mundo é alegre, pois você
Consegue olhar os olhos de todos os outros
E fazê-los felizes também.
Você é feliz, pois na tua matemática de vida,
Dividir é sempre a melhor solução.
Você é grande e nobre, pois o seu ofício árduo lapida
O teu coração a cada dia,
Dando-te tanto prazer em ensinar.
Homenagens, frases poéticas,
Certamente farão parte do seu dia a dia,
E quero de forma especial, relembrar
A pessoa maravilhosa que você é
E a importância daquilo do seu ofício.
É por isto que você merece esta homenagem
Hoje e sempre, por aquilo que você é
E por aquilo que você faz.
Felicidades !!!
Autor: (Desconhecido)
quarta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2010
1 – Listen to the music and insert the words in the correct gaps:
Buy – sky – gone – pass – crumbles – see – endless
Dust in the Wind - Kansas
I close my eyes
Only for a moment
And the moment’s ________
All my dreams
______ before my eyes, of curiosity
Dust in the wind
All they are is dust in the wind
Same old song
Just a drop of water
In a _________ sea
All we do
________ to the ground
Though we refuse to ______
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
No, don’t hang on
Nothing lasts forever
But the earth and _____
It slips away
And all your money
Won’t another minute _______
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
Dust in the wind
Dust in the wind
Everything is dust in the wind.
2 – Identify :
a) The verb to be
b) Personal pronouns
c) Possessive pronouns
d) Adjective
e) Auxiliary verbs.
3 – Put the sentences in the negative form.
a) I close my eyes.
b) They are is dust in the wind.
c) All we do.
4 – Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.
1 – Dreams
2 – Refuse
3 – Forever
4 – Buy
a) to get something by paying money for it.
b) something that you experience in your mind while you are sleeping.
c) to not give someone what they ask for, or not let someone do what they ask to do
d) for all time in the future or for long time.
Buy – sky – gone – pass – crumbles – see – endless
Dust in the Wind - Kansas
I close my eyes
Only for a moment
And the moment’s ________
All my dreams
______ before my eyes, of curiosity
Dust in the wind
All they are is dust in the wind
Same old song
Just a drop of water
In a _________ sea
All we do
________ to the ground
Though we refuse to ______
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
No, don’t hang on
Nothing lasts forever
But the earth and _____
It slips away
And all your money
Won’t another minute _______
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
Dust in the wind
Dust in the wind
Everything is dust in the wind.
2 – Identify :
a) The verb to be
b) Personal pronouns
c) Possessive pronouns
d) Adjective
e) Auxiliary verbs.
3 – Put the sentences in the negative form.
a) I close my eyes.
b) They are is dust in the wind.
c) All we do.
4 – Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.
1 – Dreams
2 – Refuse
3 – Forever
4 – Buy
a) to get something by paying money for it.
b) something that you experience in your mind while you are sleeping.
c) to not give someone what they ask for, or not let someone do what they ask to do
d) for all time in the future or for long time.
quarta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2010
Thankful Tree
Children can make a beautiful tree of handprint leaves that displays what the children are thankful for. This tree makes a great Thankgsiving decoration or a nice bulletin board.
Supplies needed:
• Construction paper (orange, red, yellow, brown, and other earth tones)
• Crayons or markers
• Scissors
• Glue or a glue stick
Have children trace their hands on construction paper. Then cut out the tracings. These will be the leaves.
Have the children write their names and what they're thankful for each of the handprints.
Using brown construction paper, cut out a tree trunk and branches.
Glue or staple the tree tunk on a large piece of construction paper (or onto a bulletin board). then glue or staple the handprint leaves to the tree.
For variations on this wreath: instead of using handprints, use cut out leaves, tissue paper baking cups or torn up scraps of paper.
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