Why adopt a pet?
Research has shown that pet ownership has many physical, mental, emotional and social benefits. Listed below are just some of the advantages of owning a pet.
Pet ownership reduces blood pressure responses to mental stress.
Pet owners have lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels which reduces their risk of cardiovascular disease.
Pet ownership can increase the physical, social and psychological quality of life for all age groups.
Pet owners make fewer visits to the doctor and use fewer medications.
Research has shown that in several different countries (including Australia) long – term pet owners are, on a population level, healthier than non – pet owners.
Pet owners suffer from less depression and are able to cope with grief and loss better than non – pet owners.
Pet ownership enhances self esteem in children and teenagers.
Research has shown that teenagers who owned pets have a more positive outlook on life and report less loneliness, restlessness, boredom, despair, depression and futility.
People who own pets are more active and exercise more then those who don’t – particularly if they own dogs.
People report feeling safer when walking alone if they have their dog with them.
Children who are exposed to pets from an early age have reduced allergic sensitization and better immune function, they are also less likely to miss days of school through illness.
Pets have been found to reduce tension, confusion and fatigue in the elderly as well as making them feel more enthusiastic, attentive, interested and inspired.
Elderly people who own pets are more able to maintain daily activities and are more active.
Pet owners are more likely to know their neighbors, be involved in community activities and be interested in local issues.
Pets enhance people’s social skills and people who own pets have more social interactions with other people.
Pets provide a focus for conversation which can aid social interaction especially for people with disabilities and the elderly.

1 – Choose the statement which shows that if you adopt a pet you will have psychological quality.
a) Pet ownership enhances self esteem in children and teenagers.
b) Elderly people who own pets are more able to maintain daily activities and are more active.
c) Pet ownership can increase the physical, social and psychological quality of life for all age groups.
d) Pet owners make fewer visits to the doctor and use fewer medications.
2 – Choose the statement which shows that if you adopt a pet you will have self confidence in children.
a) Pet ownership reduces blood pressure responses to mental stress.
b) Pet ownership enhances self esteem in children and teenagers.
c) Pet owners make fewer visits to the doctor and use fewer medications.
d) People report feeling safer when walking alone if they have their dog with them.
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