Would you like to find out?
There are several simple tests that you can use to determine if you are a witch.

Do you enjoy cooking?
Do you like cats?
Do you have a long nose?
Do you have warts?
Do you ever wear black clothes?
Do you like black pointy hats?
Are you interested in toads, snakes, bats, lizards, or mice?
Do you like mushrooms on your food?
Do you own a broom?
Do you dre

Do bad things happen to people you are angry with?
Do you like to walk through graveyards?
Do you cackle when you hear jokes?
Are you happiest around midnight?
Do you like to talk in rhymes?
Have you ever eaten chocolate covered eye-of-newt or candied bat wing?
If you have any of these symptoms, you may wish to consult your family physician ( not that they’ll help you or anything).