Fruits and Vegetables questions:
1. Name a fruit that starts with "A." It is white on the inside and can be red, yellow, or green on the outside. Answer: Apple
2. Name a spiny, green vegetable that starts with "A." Answer: Artichoke
3. Name a long, thin fruit that starts with "B." It is yellow on the outside and white on the inside. Answer: Banana
4. Name a long, thin, orange vegetable that grows underground. It starts with a "C." Answer: Carrot
5. Name a crisp, green vegetable that has long stalks. It starts with "C." Answer: Celery
6. Name a yellow vegetable that grows on a cob and starts with "C." Answer: Corn
7. Name a vegetable that is green on the outside and white on the inside. It starts with "C." Answer: Cucumber
8. Name a purple vegetable that starts with "E." Answer: Eggplant
9. Name a big fruit that starts with "G." It can be yellow or pink and sometimes squirts you when you eat it. Answer: Grapefruit
10. Name a sweet fruit that grows in bunches on vines. It starts with "G ." Answer: Grapes
11. What do you call a pumpkin that has been carved to look like a scary face? It starts with "J." Answer: Jack-o'-lantern
12. You can cook fruit with sugar to make a sweet spread that tastes good on bread. What is this spread called? It starts with "J." Answer: Jam or Jelly
13. Name a sour, yellow fruit that starts with "L." Answer: Lemon
14. Name a green, leafy vegetable that tastes good in salads. It starts with an "L." Answer: Lettuce
15. Name a sour, green fruit that starts with "L." Answer: Lime
16. Name a type of big fruit that has a rind. It starts with "M." Answer: Melon
17. Name an oily, green fruit that starts with "O." Answer: Olive
18. Name a sharp-tasting vegetable that starts with "O." It grows underground. Answer: Onion
19. Name three sweet fruits that start with the letter "P" and grow on trees. Answer: Peach, Pear, Plum
20. Name a tiny, round green vegetable that grows in pods. It starts with "P." Answer: Peas
21. Name a vegetable that is brown on the outside and white on the inside. It grows underground and starts with the letter "P." Answer: Potato
22. Name an orange vegetable that can be made into pie. It starts with "P." Answer: Pumpkin
23. What do you get when you dry a plum? It starts with "P." Answer: Prune
22. What do you get when you dry a grape? It starts with "R." Answer: Raisin
25. Name a sweet, red fruit that starts with "S." Answer: Strawberry
26. Name a soft, red fruit that starts with "T." It is not sweet. Answer: Tomato
27. Name a sweet fruit that starts with "W." It is green on the outside and pink on the inside. Answer: Watermelon
28. Name a sweet, orange vegetable that starts with "Y." It grows underground and can be made into pie. Answer: Yam
• Use the online picture dictionary at the Little Explorers section of Enchanted Learning
http://www.enchantedlearning.com/Cisfor.shtml where they can click onto the first letter of the word and then use the pictures to help them find the fruit or vegetable. They can also check their answers with the writing underneath each picture.