terça-feira, 6 de setembro de 2011

Workshop in Porto Nacional September 3

English Language Fellow Scott Chiverton developed workshops for teachers of the public school system.

quinta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2011

http:// www.andysinger.com

1 – According to the cartoonist bicycles
A) Are heavy and ugly.
B) Are bad for human health.
C) Are truly beautiful well proportioned machines.
D) Are good for human health, but are expensive.
E) Are a machine that requires special care.

2 – The word truly is
A) Verb.
B) Adverb.
C) Comparative.
D) Noun.
E) Modal verb.

3 – Write True (T) or False (F).
A) Bicycles are efficient.
B) Bicycles waste our scarce resources.
C) Bicycles keep us healthy.

By Leila Melquíades

The sub-zero heroes from the worldwide blockbusters Ice Age and Ice Age: The Meldown are back, on an incredible adventure... for the ages. Scrat is still trying to catch the nut (while, maybe finding true love); Manny and Ellie waits for the birth of their mini-mammoth, Sid the sloth gets into trouble when he creates his own family by hijacking some dinosaur eggs; and Diego the tiger wonders if he’s growing too “soft” hanging with his pals. On a mission to rescue the hapless Sid, the gang ventures into a mysterious underground world, where they have some close encounters with dinosaurs, battle flora and fauna run amuck – and meet a relentless, one – eyed, dino – hunting weasel named Buck.
Adapted by http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1080016/synopsis ">Adapted by http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1080016/synopsis

Reading Comprehension
1 – The name of the film is
A) Ice Age: Hijacking a dinosaur.
B) Scrat find a true love.
C) Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs.
D) Ice Age and Ice Age.

2 – Who hijacking a dinosaur eggs
A) Scrat.
B) Manny.
C) Sid.
D) Ellie.

By Leila Melquiades

Fonte: Texto extraído do site rede Pitágoras.

terça-feira, 23 de agosto de 2011

Chico Mendes

Francisco Alves Mendes Filho was born in 1994 in Xapuri, Acre, in the western Brazilian Amazon. Chico Mendes as he is known is surely the most important conservationist Brazil has ever had. Chico didn’t go to school and started working as a rubber tapper at the age of nine. In the 1970’s, Chico became a leader in creating the non- violent resistance movement to defend the forest and the homes of forest people from destruction. In 1975, he founded the Union Movement in Acre. He helped found the leftist Workers Party in 1979. In 1985, Chico founded the National Council of Rubber Tappers, a non-governmental group to defend the living and working conditions of communities that depend on the forest. At that time ha had already understood that sustainability was key to keep the forest alive. He also organized the first National Meeting of Rubber Tappers in Brasilia with the support of anthropologist Mary Helena Allegretti. Chico became internationally known as a rubber tapper, union leader and Brazilian grassroots activist. Chico received two international environmental awards. Unfortunately, Chico was assassinated outside his house on December 22, 1988 by Darcy Alves, son of cattle rancher Darly Alves.
Dutra, A., Lima V. Inglês. Vol. 8, Belo Horizonte. Ed. Educacional, pág. 1, 2010.

Reading Comprehension:
1 – Chico Mendes was born in:
A) 1988
B) 1985
C) 1975
D) 1944

2 – Chico Mendes defended:
A) The river and the homes of river people.
B) The sea and the mountain.
C) The forest and the homes of forest people.
D) The mountain and the Indians.

3 – Write True (T) or False (F):
1. Chico Mendes was born in Xapuri, Acre.
2. Chico Mendes went to school at the age of nine.
3. Chico received twenty international environmental awards.
4. Chico was assassinated inside his house.
A) T, T, F, F
B) T, F, F, F
C) F, T, T, F
D) F, F, F, T

By Leila Melquiades

sexta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2011

Texto muito interessante. Foi publicado pelo Adam:

This is very amazing !! Only great minds can read this This is weird, but interesting!fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too

Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrdwaht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of thehmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at CmabrigdeUinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr theltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng istaht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghitpclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you cansitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae thehuamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, butthe wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyastghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihsforwrad it FORWARD ONLY IF YOU CAN READ IT.

Fonte: http://www.wordpress.com

quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2011

The English Language – Quiz

Test your knowledge of useless facts about the English language.

1. Which is the only word in the English language with three consecutives sets of double letters?
2. Which is the only female for in the English language that is shorted than its corresponding male term?
3. There is a seven letter word in the English language that contains ten words without rearranging any of its letters. Which word is it and what are the ten words?
4. Which is the only word in the English language that is still pronounced the same way when the last four letters are removed?
5. Which are the letters most used and least used in the English language?
6. Only 3 words in the English language end in – ceed. Which are they?
7. Which is the only word in the English language that begins and ends with the letters – und?
8. Which is the only number whose umber of letters in the name equals the number?
9. Which is the longest English word without any of the normal vowels, a, e, i, o, or u?
10. Which is the shortest complete sentence in the English language?

Keyword: 1. Bookkeeper. 2. Widow (male term – widower). 3. Therein – the, there, he, in, rein, her, here, ere, therein, herein. 4. Queue. 5. Most used – E and least used – Q. 6. Proceed, exceed and succeed. 7. Underground. 8. Four. 9. Rhythms. 10. Go.

Fonte: New Routes – Disal

segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011


1. En route, rendezvous and manoeuvre all come from:
a. German
b. Russian
c. French
d. Chinese
2. Shampoo, bangle, guru, jungle and loot are all taken from:
a. Hindi
b. Portuguese
c. Russian
d. Spanish
3. Abalone, anchovy, adobe, avocado and breeze and canyon are all from:
a. Spanish
b. Polish
c. Russian
d. French
4. Potato, zebra, mango and mosquito are from:
a. Dutch
b. Chinese
c. Hebrew
d. Portuguese
5. Bath, camel and cinnamon are derived from:
a. Chinese / Mandarin
b. Greek / Hebrew
c. Indian / Hindi
d. French / Latin
6. Bonsai, Karaoke, origami and tycoon all stem from:
a. Japanese
b. Mandarin
c. Korean
d. Thai
7. Balcony, carpet, cartoon and graffiti are adopted from:
a. Polish
b. Italian
c. Czech
d. Greek
8. Whiskey, galore and hooligan are from:
a. Hungarian
b. Irish
c. Latin
d. Hindi
9. Candy, sugar and syrup are all from:
a. Portuguese
b. Hindi
c. Icelandic
d. Arabic
10. Ben, clan, slogan and trousers are all thought to stem from:
a. Gaelic / Scottish
b. Russian
c. French / Latin
d. Chinese / Mandarin

keyword: 1. French 2. Hindi 3. Spanish 4. Portuguese 5. Greek / Hebrew 6. Japanese 7. Italian 8. Irish 9. Arabic 10. Gaelic / Scottish

Fonte: http://www.englishtown.com/community/Channels/Quiz.aspx?quizId=82&etag=E15637

sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2011

Choose the best title to each paragraph.
• Act confident. Hold your head up, stand up straight, make eye contact, and walk confidently.
• Do not resort to violence or carry a gun or other weapon.
• Avoid situations where bullying can happen.
• Talk to your parents or an adult you can trust, such as a teacher, school counselor, or principal.
• If necessary, take steps to rebuild your self – confidence.
• Try to make friends with other students.

If You Are Being Bullied…

Many teens who are targets of bullies do not talk to adults because they feel embarrassed, ashamed, or fearful, and they believe they should be able to handle the problem on their own. Others believe that involving adults will only make the situation worse. While in some cases it is possible to end bullying without adult intervention, in other more extreme cases, it is necessary to involve school officials and even law enforcement. Talk to a trusted adult who can help you develop a plan to end the bullying and provide you with the support you need. If the first adult you approach is not receptive, find another adult who will support and help you.
A bully will be less likely to single you out if your project self – confidence.
A bully is more likely to leave you alone if you are with your friends. This is especially true if you and your friends stick up for each other.
If at all possible, avoid being alone with bullies. If bullying occurs on the way to or from school, you may want to take a different route, leave at a different time, or find others to walk to and from school with. If bullying occurs at school, avoid areas that are isolated or unsupervised by adults, and stick with friends as much as possible.
Bullying can affect your self – confidence and belief in yourself. Finding activities you enjoy and are good at can help to restore you self –esteem. Take time to explore new interests and develop new talents and skills. Bullying can also leave you feeling rejected, isolated and alone. It is important to try to make new friendships with people who share your interests. Consider participating in extra – curricular activities or joining a group outside of school, such as an after – school program, church youth group, or sports team.
Carrying a gun will not make you safer. Guns often escalate conflicts and increase the chances you will be seriously harmed. You also run the risk that the gun may be turned on you or an innocent person will be hurt. And you may do something in a moment of fear or anger you will regret for the rest of your life. Finally, it is illegal for a teen to carry a handgun; it can lead to criminal charges and arrest.


Keyword: 1. Talk to your parents or an adult you can trust, such as a teacher, school counselor, or principal. 2. Act confident. Hold your head up, stand up straight, make eye contact, and walk confidently. 3. Try to make friends with other students. 4. Avoid situations where bullying can happen. 5. If necessary, take steps to rebuild your self – confidence. 6. Do not resort to violence or carry a gun or other weapon.

Fonte: Idem Renewable sources

quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2011

Why adopt a pet?

Research has shown that pet ownership has many physical, mental, emotional and social benefits. Listed below are just some of the advantages of owning a pet.
Pet ownership reduces blood pressure responses to mental stress.
Pet owners have lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels which reduces their risk of cardiovascular disease.
Pet ownership can increase the physical, social and psychological quality of life for all age groups.
Pet owners make fewer visits to the doctor and use fewer medications.
Research has shown that in several different countries (including Australia) long – term pet owners are, on a population level, healthier than non – pet owners.
Pet owners suffer from less depression and are able to cope with grief and loss better than non – pet owners.
Pet ownership enhances self esteem in children and teenagers.
Research has shown that teenagers who owned pets have a more positive outlook on life and report less loneliness, restlessness, boredom, despair, depression and futility.
People who own pets are more active and exercise more then those who don’t – particularly if they own dogs.
People report feeling safer when walking alone if they have their dog with them.
Children who are exposed to pets from an early age have reduced allergic sensitization and better immune function, they are also less likely to miss days of school through illness.
Pets have been found to reduce tension, confusion and fatigue in the elderly as well as making them feel more enthusiastic, attentive, interested and inspired.
Elderly people who own pets are more able to maintain daily activities and are more active.
Pet owners are more likely to know their neighbors, be involved in community activities and be interested in local issues.
Pets enhance people’s social skills and people who own pets have more social interactions with other people.
Pets provide a focus for conversation which can aid social interaction especially for people with disabilities and the elderly.

1 – Choose the statement which shows that if you adopt a pet you will have psychological quality.
a) Pet ownership enhances self esteem in children and teenagers.
b) Elderly people who own pets are more able to maintain daily activities and are more active.
c) Pet ownership can increase the physical, social and psychological quality of life for all age groups.
d) Pet owners make fewer visits to the doctor and use fewer medications.

2 – Choose the statement which shows that if you adopt a pet you will have self confidence in children.
a) Pet ownership reduces blood pressure responses to mental stress.
b) Pet ownership enhances self esteem in children and teenagers.
c) Pet owners make fewer visits to the doctor and use fewer medications.
d) People report feeling safer when walking alone if they have their dog with them.

Fonte: Idem Renewable Sources

sexta-feira, 10 de junho de 2011

Renewable sources

Renewable energy sources like the Sun, Wind, waves and the heat of the earth are also used to make electricity.

Renewable sources can be used again and should not run out.

Renewable sources are either carbon neutral or do not produce greenhouses gases so are much less harmful to the environment.

1 – Which energy sources are renewable or non- renewable?

A – Biomass uses the energy from plants and waste materials to make electricity. For example, wood or animal droppings can be burnt to make steam that turns turbines to make electricity.

B – Wind is made when the sun heats the Earth and the area above land gets hotter than the area above water. The hot air above land rises upwards leaving an area of low pressure. Cooler air moves into this area of low pressure making wind which we use to turn wind turbines and make electricity. Wind used to be turn windmills to grind wheat into flour.

2 – Write if the energy sources are renewable or non-renewable.





Natural gas








A - Renewable source of energy

B - Renewable source of energy

2 - Non- renewable: oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear.

Renewable: hydro-electric, solar, wind, biomass, wave, geothermal and tidal.

Obs.: Recebi esse texto e alguns outros de uma colega professora, mas a mesma não lembra a fonte de onde foi retirado. Então estou socializando porque achei riquíssimo. Postarei as outras também. Se alguém souber sinta-se a vontade para informar.

quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2011

Arquipélago Abrolhos

Brazil’s first national marine park, this is another protected region in the south of Bahia, which was visited by Charles Darwin in 1832. It is preserved because of its clear waters, beautiful corals and diverse marine life. It’s not permitted to stay on any of the park’s five islands, so the only approach is by boat.

Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul

This place proves you don’t need the sea to go diving. It’s a popular tourist spot, because of the network of rivers and caves there. These contain lakes where you can scuba, many of which are unexplored.
From: Speak up n. 144, ano 12, Ed.Camelot, Maio/ 1999, p. 35.

I - De acordo com o texto, Bonito:
a) possui escombros de barcos naufragados.
b) possui muitos rios e alguns já estão poluídos.
c) possui muitos rios e cavernas.
d) é um lugar de encontro entre o rio e o mar.

II - De acordo com o texto, o arquipélago de Abrolhos:
a) foi descoberto por Charles Darwin em 1832.
b) é permitido que os visitantes fiquem por tempo indeterminado.
c) possui águas claras e uma vida marinha variada.
d) é permitido o uso de Jet ski no local.

III – Identifique, no texto sobre Abrolhos, os verbos que estão no passado. Crie frases com esses verbos.
IV – Crie frases comparando as informações do texto. Use o comparativo de igualdade e o superlativo.

By Leila Melquíades

Archipelago Fernando de Noronha

A protected national marine park containing 21 islands. The area is rich in marine life, with crystal – clear waters. Two shipwrecks lie in shallow waters in the Baía de Santo Antônio and dolphins and sharks are commonly sighted. The region is recognized as offering the best diving in Brazil. The islands are 350 km from Natal and the only way to arrive there is by plane.
From: Speak up n.144, ano 12, Ed. Camelot, Maio/1999,p.35

Read the text and choose the best alternative:

A – The park contain:
a) 18 islands
b) 19 islands
c) 20 islands
d) 21 islands
e) more 21 islands

B – To arrive the Archipelago Fernando de Noronha is:
a) by car and plane
b) by train
c) only by plane
d) only by train
e) by train and plane

C – In this sentence: “… the best diving in Brazil .” The word best that is bold is:
a) article
b) adjective
c) preposition
d) comparative
e) present perfect

By Leila Melquíades

quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2011

Hi guys! It’s time for our movie-phrase of the week. Actually, I though we should learn two phrases today (both from the same movie, of course). So, this time I picked a Disney Channel Movie: JUMP IN!

In this movie, Izzy Daniels, a star boxer, is challenged by his friend Mary to join her double-dutch (a sport in which one or more people jumping simultaneously with two ropes) team. He agrees to be part of their team, as long as they practice where no one’s going to watch. Tammy, a girl boxer, watches him practicing. When Izzy finds out, he tells her he wants to “keep it on the DL”.

“The Down Low” or “DL” or “on the DL” is an urban phrase used in the United States for “secret information,” as in “Keep it on the down-low” (meaning “Do not make it known”). It can be used between two people, as in “let’s keep this between the two of us.” More commonly, however, it is used in a group context – as in to hide information from a public, authoritative, management, or establishment group by those that are considered “trustworthy,” “on the inside,” or “in the know.”

So, moving on to the next phrase, Izzy and his time –the hot chili stepper – go to the city finals. While they watch other teams performing their routines, he starts feeling a bit nervous. “Why are you sweating other teams?” one of his teammates asks him.

“To sweat (something)” it’s an informal way to say “to worry about something”. In other words, the question was “Why are you worrying about other teams? (Our team is the best)”.

Fonte: http://www.englishexperts.com.br

quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2011

Sandra viajou durante as férias.

Oh, Hi friends! I ______ (to have) a great time! I ________ (to go) camping with my cousins.
We _________ (to play) football, ________ (to prepare) barbecues, ________ (to swim) in the lake...
We ___ (to sleep) late every night.

Complete o que ela disse:

a) to have – to go – to play – to prepare – to swim – to sleep
b) haved – goed – played – prepared – swimmed – sleeped
c) haves – gos – plays – prepares – swims – sleeps
d) had – went – playied – prepard – swimed – slept
e) had – went – played – prepared – swam – slept

segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011

Paródia para ensinar o Simple Present

Letra da música

Uso o Do pra perguntar
Pra I, You , We e They
Mas se for pra He, She, It
Does usarei

Pra negar eu uso o don´t
Pra I, You, We e They
Mas se for pra He, She, It
Does not eu sei

Quando uso o auxiliar
O verbo volta ao normal
Se por acaso eu esquecer
Pau levarei

Na afirmativa o verbo ganha
S, ES ou IES
Se o sujeito for 3ª pessoa do singular

by Deise Mara
A professora criou uma paródia bem interessante para ensinar as regras do Simple Present. Ela utilizou a música Paga Pau da dupla sertaneja Fernando & Sorocaba.


quinta-feira, 12 de maio de 2011

Fruits and Vegetables questions:
1. Name a fruit that starts with "A." It is white on the inside and can be red, yellow, or green on the outside. Answer: Apple
2. Name a spiny, green vegetable that starts with "A." Answer: Artichoke
3. Name a long, thin fruit that starts with "B." It is yellow on the outside and white on the inside. Answer: Banana
4. Name a long, thin, orange vegetable that grows underground. It starts with a "C." Answer: Carrot
5. Name a crisp, green vegetable that has long stalks. It starts with "C." Answer: Celery
6. Name a yellow vegetable that grows on a cob and starts with "C." Answer: Corn
7. Name a vegetable that is green on the outside and white on the inside. It starts with "C." Answer: Cucumber
8. Name a purple vegetable that starts with "E." Answer: Eggplant
9. Name a big fruit that starts with "G." It can be yellow or pink and sometimes squirts you when you eat it. Answer: Grapefruit
10. Name a sweet fruit that grows in bunches on vines. It starts with "G ." Answer: Grapes
11. What do you call a pumpkin that has been carved to look like a scary face? It starts with "J." Answer: Jack-o'-lantern
12. You can cook fruit with sugar to make a sweet spread that tastes good on bread. What is this spread called? It starts with "J." Answer: Jam or Jelly
13. Name a sour, yellow fruit that starts with "L." Answer: Lemon
14. Name a green, leafy vegetable that tastes good in salads. It starts with an "L." Answer: Lettuce
15. Name a sour, green fruit that starts with "L." Answer: Lime
16. Name a type of big fruit that has a rind. It starts with "M." Answer: Melon
17. Name an oily, green fruit that starts with "O." Answer: Olive
18. Name a sharp-tasting vegetable that starts with "O." It grows underground. Answer: Onion
19. Name three sweet fruits that start with the letter "P" and grow on trees. Answer: Peach, Pear, Plum
20. Name a tiny, round green vegetable that grows in pods. It starts with "P." Answer: Peas
21. Name a vegetable that is brown on the outside and white on the inside. It grows underground and starts with the letter "P." Answer: Potato
22. Name an orange vegetable that can be made into pie. It starts with "P." Answer: Pumpkin
23. What do you get when you dry a plum? It starts with "P." Answer: Prune
22. What do you get when you dry a grape? It starts with "R." Answer: Raisin
25. Name a sweet, red fruit that starts with "S." Answer: Strawberry
26. Name a soft, red fruit that starts with "T." It is not sweet. Answer: Tomato
27. Name a sweet fruit that starts with "W." It is green on the outside and pink on the inside. Answer: Watermelon
28. Name a sweet, orange vegetable that starts with "Y." It grows underground and can be made into pie. Answer: Yam

• Use the online picture dictionary at the Little Explorers section of Enchanted Learning http://www.enchantedlearning.com/Cisfor.shtml where they can click onto the first letter of the word and then use the pictures to help them find the fruit or vegetable. They can also check their answers with the writing underneath each picture.

fonte: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/classroom/k1/fruitvegquiz.shtml

terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2011

Inscrições para o programa Jovens Embaixadores 2012 estão abertas até 7 de agosto

Estão abertas a partir de hoje as inscrições para a décima edição do programa Jovens Embaixadores, programa de intercâmbio da Missão dos Estados Unidos no Brasil. O programa levará 35 estudantes brasileiros da rede pública, com excelente desempenho escolar, histórico de trabalho voluntário em suas comunidades, boa fluência no idioma inglês e que possam representar o Brasil como “embaixadores” para um intercâmbio de três semanas nos Estados Unidos.
As inscrições iniciais para o programa desse ano poderão ser efetuadas somente online. O endereço está disponível a partir de hoje, 3 de maio, até 7 de agosto no Facebook da Embaixada dos EUA: http://www.facebook.com/EmbaixadadosEUA.BR
A coordenadora do programa Jovens Embaixadores tirará dúvidas dos alunos interessados em participar do programa no dia 4 de maio, às 15h00 (horário de Brasília). Link para o bate-papo: www.twitter.com/jovensemb
Depois do retorno dos Jovens Embaixadores dos Estados Unidos, a embaixada oferece oportunidades de cursos de inglês de curta duração e de programas de graduação através dos escritórios de Orientação Educacional – EducationUSA.
Em 2011, cinco estudantes foram selecionados para bolsas de estudos para cursos de verão nos EUA (dos quais 3 são jovens embaixadores). As bolsas são patrocinadas pelo Banco Bradesco, Instituto de Liderança do Rio de Janeiro (IL-Rio) e pelas escolas americanas Cushing Academy, Phillips Exeter Academy, Andover Phillips Academy e Culver Academy.

Programa Jovens Embaixadores:
O Programa Jovens Embaixadores foi criado no Brasil em 2002 e agora é replicado em 25 países. Desde o lançamento, 249 brasileiros da rede pública já participaram do programa. Os parceiros da Embaixada dos EUA nesta iniciativa são: FedEx, MSD, Dow Brasil, Microsoft, Bradesco, Carlson Wagonlit Travel, United Airlines, Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Educação (CONSED) e Centros Binacionais. Além desses, Nike e IBM tornaram-se parceiros do programa esse ano. Para mais informações sobre o programa Jovens Embaixadores, visite o site: http://www.jovensembaixadores.org

Fonte: http://www.portuguese.brazil.usembassy.gov

segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2011

APLITINS invites all English Teachers to participate on our 17th event

Where: Campus UFT-CIMBA- Aud. II
When: May 20/21th (Friday and Saturday)
Inscrições na UFT- CIMBA- Início 26/04/2011 (Prof. Elisa Alencar e Comissão)


Estudantes e membros com anuidade quitada até 2010
R$ 25,00 Até 31/04
R$ 35,00 Até 12/05
R$ 45,00 No evento
Não membros e membros com anuidade em atraso anterior a 2009
R$ 45,00 Até 31/04
R$ 55,00 Até 12/05
R$ 65,00 No evento
Novos membros - o valor paga anuidade 2011 (R$ 50,00) + inscrição
R$ 60,00 Até 31/04
R$ 70,00 Até 12/04
R$ 85,00 No evento

Fonte: http://www.aplitins.com

terça-feira, 19 de abril de 2011

Grupo para professores de inglês

O grupo “Troca de Atividades de Inglês” me ajudou muito, inscrevi-me há pouco mais de um ano e nesse período passei de membro a moderadora e de moderadora a dona do grupo. O grupo foi criado por Dagui há alguns anos e como ela tem outros projetos decidiu passá-lo para mim.

Como funciona o grupo

Somos centenas de membros, todos professores de inglês e trocamos os trabalhos que preparamos e usamos em sala com nossos alunos, com o objetivo de otimizar seu aprendizado. Os trabalhos têm que ter um objetivo porque não entendo uma apostila que não o tenha. Deve ser enviado pelo autor e quando isso não for possível, com a autorização dele e sempre citando a fonte.

Escola de produção de apostilas

Além de trocarmos apostilas aprendemos novas técnicas para apresentá-las, criá-las e desenhá-las. Enquanto trocamos vamos nos aperfeiçoando ao aproveitar ideias de atividades e exercícios que podem ser usados no sentido de praticar ou ensinar os mais variados tópicos de gramática, vocabulário, fonética, etc.

Como participar

Para participar basta visitar o link do grupo (que você vai encontrar no rodapé deste blog) e solicitar sua participação. Certifique-se de inscrever um email do Gmail, que funciona melhor nos Grupos Google e dá total acesso a todas as páginas dos grupos. Preencha corretamente sua inscrição e aguarde até que ela seja aprovada. Para saber as regras do grupo e obter ajuda acesse o blog de apoio: Troca de Atividades de Inglês.

Além do Grupo no Google, também temos uma comunidade no Orkut e um grupo de troca de ideias no Facebook. Todos os links estão também no blog de apoio.

Caso você seja professor de inglês e esteja interessado, leia as regras no blog de apoio do grupo e junte-se a nós!

By Zailda Coirano


Termos em Inglês saem da Internet e vão parar no dicionário

LOL – laughing ( or laugh) out loud ( rindo alto)– Expressão usada para dizer que alguém achou algo muito engraçado e está rindo em voz alta.

BLOGGABLE – Assunto ou objeto que seja interessante a ponto de virar um texto em um blog. Ex.: “I started subscribing to the jornal in the hope of finding bloggable material in there.” (Comecei a assinar o jornal com a esperança de achar material interessante para por no blog lá).

WAG – (wives and girfriends) – Sigla utilizada para designar mulheres ou namoradas de jogadores.

FYI - ( for your information) – Termo utilizado para comunicar por e-mail ou mensagens eletrônicas, que a informação pode ser do interesse do destinatário.

NOM – NOM – Termo usado para expressar prazer ao comer. Ex.: “Chili and cornbread for dinner nom nom.” (Chili e pão de milho para o jantar, nom nom).

HEART – A palavra heart começou a ser usada como verbo para expressar que alguém gosta / ama muito algo / alguém. Ex.: “I totally heart this song.” (Eu adoro essa canção).

OMG – Oh my God!!! – Sigla para interjeição : meu Deus!!

ONLINER – A pessoa que está sempre “online”, o usuário da internet. Ex.: “How do you prevent altered facts from being presented to Young onliners as the gospel truth?” (Como evitar que fatos alterados sejam apresentados a jovens usuários de internet como se fossem a verdade máxima?).

TBH – To be honest - Termo usado para dizer a verdade, mesmo que isso não seja muito agradável para o ouvinte.

TMI – Too much information – Termo usado para indicar que alguém está revelando informação muito pessoal, embaraçosa.

Fonte: http://educacao.uol.com.br/album/ingles_oxford_album.jhtm

domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

Puzzle: Easter Vocabulary




sexta-feira, 15 de abril de 2011

Obama in Brazil

Amid revolution in the Middle East and disaster in Japan, President Obama says job creation at home remains his primary responsibility. That's one reason he's arriving in Brazil as the first stop in a three-country Latin America tour, Obama said Saturday morning in his weekly address. “Latin America is a part of the world where the economy is growing very quickly. And as these markets grow, so does their demand for goods and services,” Obama said. “The question is, where are those goods and services going to come from? As president, I want to make sure these products are made in America.” The president's trip will take him from Brazil to Chile to El Salvador and back next Wednesday. While building relationships with key allies, he'll also be seeking to expand markets for American goods and services. “What is clear is that in an increasingly global economy, our partnership with these nations is only going to become more vital. For it's a source of growth and prosperity -- and not just for the people of Latin America, but for the American people as well.”
Fonte – USA Today

1. De acordo com o discurso do Presidente Obama dos EU qual sua principal responsabilidade?
2.Onde a economia está crescendo muito rápido?
3.Enquanto estes mercados crescem qual é a demanda?
4.E de onde ele tem certeza que este s produtos vão vir?
5. O que Obama pretende expandir?
6.Como vai se tornar nossa parceria (EU e BR)?

7. Ligue as expressões a seus significados:

1. And not Just for the people...
2. For the American people as well.
3. For it's a source of growth...
4. And back next Wednesday.
5. Is growing very quickly...

( ) E volta na quarta feira.
( ) E não apenas para as pessoas...
( ) para os americanos também.
( )Está crescendo muito rápido...
( ) Por ser uma fonte
8. Encontre no texto

A viagem do presidente: ..........................................
Enquanto estes mercados crescem: ..................................................
Como a primeira parada: ....................................................................
Eu quero ter a certeza : .........................................................................

Activity: Bullying

Eminem wins bully lyrics case (Sun 17 Apr, 2005)
BNE: The American rap star Eminem has won a court case brought against him by an old school bully. The bully, DeAngelo Bailey, sued Eminem for $1 million because of the lyrics in a song called “Brain Damage”. He said the words in the song damaged his name and hurt his dream of becoming a rock star. The lyrics said Eminem “was harassed daily by this fat kid named D’Angelo Bailey”. In the song, Eminem raps about Mr Bailey bullying him: “so everyday he’d shove me in the lockers/One day he came in the bathroom…/And had me in the position to beat me into submission/He banged my head against the urinal ‘til he broke my nose,/Soaked my clothes in blood, grabbed me and choked my throat”. Bailey said he did bully Eminem, but only with a “bump” or “little shove”. He said the actions in the song were not true. The court judges decided the lyrics did not show Mr Bailey in a false light. They said the important thing in this case was that Mr Bailey bullied Eminem, not how truthful the lyrics were.
1. CHAT: Talk in pairs or groups about: rap music / Eminem / bullying / $1 million / song lyrics / dreams / being a rock star… For more conversation, change topics and partners frequently.
2. RAP MUSIC BRAINSTORM: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with rap music. Share your words with your partner / group and talk about them.
3. BULLYING: In pairs / groups, talk about bullying. Were you bullied at school? What kind of bullying did you see? Who was the biggest bully? Did you bully a younger brother or sister? Is there bullying in your office? What should happen to bullies?
Eminem describes being bullied in his song “Brain Damage”. What would you do if a bully did these things (some from Eminem’s song)?
Harass you
Shove you
Beat you
Break your nose
Bang your head against the wall
Grab you
Choke you
Tease you and call you names
Take or break your things
Steal your money
4. COMMENTS ON BULLIES: (1) Read the comments below made about bullies and agree or disagree with them with your partner / group. (2) Rewrite the sentences so that they agree with your own opinions. Add an extra sentence to each point that explains more of your opinion. (3) Change partners / groups and read and talk about the opinions you have written.
a. Bullies are sad people.
b. If you fight back against a bully, he/she will stop bullying you.
c. Bullying is a part of school life. It does no real harm.
d. Bullies have mental problems.
e. Teachers should do more to stop bullying in classrooms.
f. Boys are worse bullies than girls.
g. Bullying stops after people are eighteen years old.
h. Bullies should be arrested by the police.

1. WORD SEARCH: Use your dictionary / computer to find word partners (collocates), other meanings, synonyms or more information on the words ‘school’ and ‘bully’.
2. TRUE / FALSE: Look at the headline and guess whether these sentences are true or false:
a. Someone said in court that Eminem bullied him/her . T / F
b. Eminem wrote a song about someone that bullied him at school. T / F
c. Eminem was harassed by a kid named DeAngelo Bailey. T / F
d. Mr Bailey broke Eminem’s toes. T / F
e. Bailey said he never bullied Eminem. T / F
f. Judges decided the lyrics showed Mr Bailey in a false light. T / F

1. TEXT RECONSTRUCTION: The article has been put in the wrong order. Put the sentences back into the correct order.
Eminem wins bully lyrics case
They said the important thing in this case was that Mr Bailey bullied Eminem, not how truthful the lyrics were.
The bully, DeAngelo Bailey, tried to sue Eminem for $1 million because of the lyrics in a song called “Brain Damage”.
Soaked my clothes in blood, grabbed me and choked my throat”. Bailey said he did bully Eminem, but only with a “bump” or “little shove”. The lyrics said Eminem “was harassed daily by this fat kid named D’Angelo Bailey”.
The American rap star Eminem has won a court case brought against him by an old school bully.
“so everyday he’d shove me in the lockers/One day he came in the bathroom…/And had me in the position to beat me into submission/He banged my head against the urinal ‘til he broke my nose,/
In the song, Eminem raps about Mr Bailey bullying him:
He said the actions in the song were not true. The court judges decided the lyrics did not show Mr Bailey in a false light.
He says the words in the song damaged his name and hurt his dream of becoming a rock star.
2. TRUE/FALSE: Check your answers to the T/F exercise.
1. TEXT RECONSTRUCTION: Check your answers to this exercise.
2. QUESTIONS: Ask the discussion questions you thought of above to your partner / group / class. Pool the questions for everyone to share.
3. VOCABULARY: As a class, go over the vocabulary students circled above.
4. STUDENT-GENERATED SURVEY: In pairs/groups write down 3 questions based on the article. Each student surveys class members independently and reports back to their original partner/ group to compare their findings.
5. ‘SCHOOL’ / ‘BULLY’: Make questions based on your findings from pre-reading activity #1. Ask your partner / group your questions.
a. Did you like this article?
b. How did you feel after reading this article?
c. What are your feelings about bullies?
d. What do you think of Eminem?
e. Do you rap music?
f. What’s your favorite kind of music?
g. What do you think really happened between Eminem and DeAngelo Bailey?
h. Do you think Eminem is happy he can write a rap song about his old bully?
i. Was it wrong of Eminem to name Mr Bailey in his song “Brain Damage”?
j. Was the judges’ decision correct?
k. Were you a bully / Were you bullied … at school?
l. What kind of bullying did you experience / see?
m. Who was the biggest bully in your school?
n. Are boys bigger bullies than girls?
o. Does bullying stop after you become an adult?
p. Is bullying a crime?
q. Did you like this discussion?
r. Teacher / Student additional questions.

1. VOCABULARY EXTENSION: Choose several of the words from the text. Use a dictionary or Google’s search field (or another search engine) to build up more associations / collocations of each word.
2. INTERNET: Search the Internet and find information on the Eminem. Share your findings with your class next lesson.
3. MY RAP: Write your own rap song about school life. Share it with your classmates in your next lesson
4. STOP BULLYING: Create a poster explaining the new “Stop Bullying” scheme that will start in your school / office / company.
a. Someone said in court that Eminem bullied him/her . F
b. Eminem wrote a song about someone that bullied him at school. T
c. Eminem was harassed by a kid named DeAngelo Bailey. T
d. Mr Bailey broke Eminem’s toes. F
e. Bailey said he never bullied Eminem. F
f. Judges decided the lyrics showed Mr Bailey in a false light. F
Eminem wins bully lyrics case
1. The American rap star Eminem has won a court case brought against him by an old school bully.
2. The bully, DeAngelo Bailey, tried to sue Eminem for $1 million because of the lyrics in a song called “Brain Damage”.
3. He says the words in the song damaged his name and hurt his dream of becoming a rock star.
4. The lyrics said Eminem “was harassed daily by this fat kid named D’Angelo Bailey”. In the song, Eminem raps about Mr Bailey bullying him:
5. “so everyday he’d shove me in the lockers/One day he came in the bathroom…/And had me in the position to beat me into submission/He banged my head against the urinal ‘til he broke my nose,/
6. Soaked my clothes in blood, grabbed me and choked my throat”. Bailey said he did bully Eminem, but only with a “bump” or “little shove”.
7. He said the actions in the song were not true. The court judges decided the lyrics did not show Mr Bailey in a false light.
8. They said the important thing in this case was that Mr Bailey bullied Eminem, not how truthful the lyrics were.


Anne Frank

Anne Frank was born in 1929 in Frankfurt am Main in Germany. In 1933, the anti-Jewish National Socialist Party led by Hitler comes to power. Anne Frank's Jewish parents Edith and Otto Frank perceive that there is no future in Germany for themselves and their children. They flee to the Netherlands in 1933. Anne is then four years old. Until she is eleven she grows up without a care in a relatively safer Holland. In 1940, the Netherlands is occupied by Germany and the protection that Holland provides comes to an end.
Anne's life is increasingly restricted by the anti-Jewish Decrees. Beginning in 1942, the first Jews receive call-up notices to report for the so-called “work” camp Westerbork. Refusal can result in being sent to a prison camp. The majority of Jews obey the call-up to report for the “work” camps. Fleeing the Netherlands is almost impossible because neighboring countries are also occupied.
To avoid deportation, Jews must arrange a hiding place with non-Jews. Such hiding places are difficult to find, but Anne's parents see the possibility of going into hiding in the annex of the building that houses Otto's business.
Otto and Edith Frank protect Anne from the danger that threatens them for as long as possible. Only a few days before going into hiding, Anne's father tells her that they are not going to a camp but are going to hide from the Germans.
On July 6, 1942, the family goes into hiding. Even though Anne sees hiding as an exciting adventure in the beginning, soon enough the hiding place becomes too small for her restless character. For more than two years Anne Frank describes her daily life in hiding in writing.
On August 4, 1944, the Secret Annex is raided by the Grüne Polizei (Security Police). Anne Frank and the seven others in hiding are arrested. What follows are long journeys to concentration camps in Holland, Poland, and Germany. Of all those in hiding, only Otto Frank survives the camps.
The eight residents of the Secret Annex are transported to Auschwitz on the last train leaving the transit camp Westerbork. After a month at Auschwitz, Anne Frank and her sister Margot are transported to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where thousands of people are dying of hunger and sickness everyday. Margot and Anne both contract typhus and die within a short time of each other in March 1945, only a few weeks before the liberation.
Source: Anne Frank House

Responda as perguntas abaixo:

1. Onde e quando nasceu Anne Frank?
2. Quem eram os pais de Anne Frank?
3. Por que os pais de Anne decidiram mudar-se da Alemanha? Para onde foram?
4. Quando os Alemães invadiram a Alemanha?
5. Em 1943, os judeus receberam o chamado para trabalharem no “campo”. A recusa ao chamado resultaria em quê?
6. Fugir da Holanda era praticamente impossível, por quê?
7. Para evitar a deportação, muitos judeus esconderam-se. Como a família de Anne reagiu?
8. Quando a família foi para o esconderijo? Por quanto tempo ficaram lá?
9. Quando eles foram descobertos? Por quem?
10. Para onde eles foram, após serem descobertos?
11. Quando Anne Frank moreu? Por quê?
12. Se fosse possível dar um outro final para a história de Anne Frank, qual seria? Dê a sua opinião.

Fonte: http://groups.google.com.br/group/troca-de-atividades-ingles

sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2011

Música do comercial da Coca-Cola

Whatever - Oasis

Listen and order the lyrics of the song:
And I'll sing the blues if I want ( )
I'm free to be whatever I ( )
Whatever I like ( )
Whatever I choose ( )
I'm free to say whatever I ( )
If it's wrong or right it's alright ( )
Always seems to me ( )
How long's it gonna be ( )
Before we get on the bus ( )
Free to be whatever you ( )
Get a grip on yourself ( )
It don't cost much ( )
And cause no fuss ( )
Whatever you say ( )
If it comes my way it's alright ( )
You only see what people want you to see ( )
Wherever you please ( )
You're free to be wherever you ( )
You can shoot the breeze if you want ( )
You only see what people want you to see ( )
It always seems to me ( )
Before we get on the bus ( )
How long's it gonna be ( )
And cause no fuss ( )
It don't cost much ( )
Get a grip on yourself ( )

Listen and complete with the verbs:
knew - find- want -like - do - say - choose

I'm free to be whatever I
Whatever I _________
And I'll sing the blues if I want
I'm free to say whatever I
Whatever I ________
If it's wrong or right it's alright
Always seems to me
You only see what people want you to see
How long's it gonna be
Before we get on the bus
And cause no fuss
Get a grip on yourself
It don't cost much
Free to be whatever you
Whatever you ________
If it comes my way it's alright
You're free to be wherever you
Wherever you please
You can shoot the breeze if you want
It always seems to me
You only see what people _____ you to see
How long's it gonna be
Before we get on the bus
And cause no fuss
Get a grip on yourself
It don't cost much
I'm free to be whatever I
Whatever I choose
And I'll sing the blues if I want
Here in my mind
You know you might ______
Something that you
You thought you once _______
But now it's all gone
And you know it's no fun
Yeah I know it's no fun
Oh, I know it's no fun
I'm free to be whatever I
Whatever I choose
And I'll sing the blues if I want
I'm free to be whatever I
Whatever I choose
And I'll sing the blues if I want
Whatever you do
Whatever you say
Yeah I know it's alright
Whatever you _______
Whatever you say
Yeah I know it's alright.

Fonte: http://groups.google.com.br/group/troca-de-atividades-ingles

Jesus Christ died on a cross on a Friday almost two thousand years ago. Christians believe that on the following Sunday, Christ rose from the dead and, in doing so, proved that He is the Son of God. The day Jesus died and was buried is known as Good Friday. The following Sunday is Easter. Christians celebrate the resurrection of the Son of God each year between March 22nd and April 25th (the first Sunday after the vernal equinox). Religious celebrations include family gatherings and special Easter church services.


In olden times, Christian monks were very good at explaining their religion to those who hadn't heard of God or Jesus. They almost always took symbols of significance of the people they were teaching and used those symbols to teach about God.
The timing of Easter was such that it coincided with the spring festivals of many pagan religions. (In northern Europe, the goddess of spring was Eostre -- some people say that Easter may have even gotten its name from this goddess).
These spring festivals celebrated the wakening of the world after spring. Luckily, this "awakening" went very well with the monks teaching of Jesus' resurrection! The ideas of the rebirth of spring were merged with the Christian teachings of Jesus resurrection to form the Easter holiday most of us know today.


Easter traditions differ around the world. Here are just a few of them.
Children in the United States and Canada say the Easter bunny or rabbit brings eggs at Easter. In Germany and England, they say the hare brings them. The hare looks like a rabbit, but it's larger, with longer ears and legs.
In Australia, rabbits are quite a nuisance as they are not native to the land. For this reason, there is an attempt being made to dub the Bilby as the the chief egg bringer of the land. For lack of a better description, the Bilby looks a bit like a cross between a mouse and a rabbit.
In Italy, Belgium and France, children say Easter eggs are brought by the church bells. There, church bells do not ring from Good Friday until Easter Sunday. Because of this, people say that the bells have flown off to Rome. As the bells fly back home for Easter, they drop colored eggs for boys and girls to find.
But there are more foods than eggs to enjoy on Easter!
People in Russia eat an Easter bread that is full of plump white raisins and tastes like cake. In some countries of Eastern Europe, people enjoy an Easter Cake called babka. It's shaped like a skirt -- babka means "little old woman". Easter cakes in Italy are shaped like a rabbit, which is a symbol of birth and new life and many other countries make cookies and cakes shaped like a lamb, a symbol of Jesus. Hot cross buns are another traditional Easter bread with icing in the shape of a cross.

Fonte: http://www.dltk-holidays.com/easter/about.htm

Read the text below.

In Christianity, Easter is one of the most important days of the year. Easter Sunday celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ – the day Jesus came back to life. In many Catholic countries, Easter is a more important celebration than Christmas. Jesus had returned to Jerusalem to observe the Jewish celebration of Passover. He ate the Passover meal with his disciples at what is now known as the Last Supper. He was later arrested, tried and convicted, and then finally sentenced to death. On Good Friday (before Easter Sunday), Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus. Easter is a 'moveable feast', meaning the date changes. It’s not a fixed date like Christmas, which is always on December 25th. It was decided in 325 A.D. that Easter Sunday would be on the 1st Sunday after the first full moon of spring. It is only in English and German that this day is called 'Easter'. England adopted the name used for the spring festival Eostre in Germany. In most other languages in Christian countries, (like French, Italian, and Spanish), the word for this day is derived from the original Greek word 'Pascha' used for the Jewish Passover. - englishteachermelanie adaptado

Answer the questions below.

1.What is Easter in Christianity?

2. What does Easter Sunday celebrate?

3. What happened to Jesus after the Last Supper?

C. Mark True or False.
1. On Good Friday, Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus.
2. Easter isn't a 'moveable feast', meaning the date changes.
3. In a lot of Catholic countries, Easter is a more important celebration than Christmas.
4. Easter Sunday is the day Jesus came back to life.

Answer key: B:
1. Easter is one of the most important days of the year.
2. Easter Sunday celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
3. He was arrested, tried and convicted, and then finally sentenced to death.

1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True

Fonte: http://www.englishexperts.com.br/forum/exercicio-texto-sobre-a-pascoa-em-ingles-t14379.html

quinta-feira, 17 de março de 2011

Five Green Shamrocks Felt Board Rhyme

One green shamrock, in the morning dew,
Another one sprouted,
and then there were two.

Two green shamrocks, growing beneath a tree;
Another one sprouted,
and then there were three.

Three green shamrocks, by the cottage door;
Another one sprouted,
and then there were four.

Four green shamrocks, near a beehive
Another one sprouted,
and then there were five.

Five little shamrocks, bright and emerald green,
Think of all the luck
these shamrocks will bring.

fonte: www.dltk-holidays.com

Fonte: www.alphabet-soup.net

Unscrambthe the St. Patrick´s Day word by choosing a letter from each box to form answer.

key word: Gold,Parade,Ireland, Shamrock,Leprechaun, Rainbow

Fonte: www.alphabet-soup.net


O iLab é um novo e original ambiente virtual criado pelas editoras Ática e Scipione para explorar os conteúdos das coleções de língua inglesa Keep in Mind, Links e Hello!

No iLab você encontra uma diversidade de situações reais de aprendizagem como entrevistas, reportagens, seriados, propagandas, filmes e músicas, que, de modo contextualizado, interativo e divertido, colaboram para aprimorar sua oralidade e pronúncia. O blog de interação com os autores das obras e o banco de exercícios enriquecem ainda mais a sua experiência. Venha fazer parte dessa comunidade virtual e trocar idéias com professores de todo o Brasil! Para fazer parte do iLab e aproveitar tudo o que essa comunidade virtual pode oferecer, basta realizar a sua inscrição no site www.comunidadespraticas.com.br e acessar o link do livro de seu interesse no campo 1º acesso – Passo a Passo.

Inscrições no período de 15/02 a 15/04/2011.


quarta-feira, 9 de março de 2011

Funny Signs

Fonte: www.blogobo.com

Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
Blue Moon, you knew just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for
Someone I really could care for
And the There Suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will ever hold
I heard someone whisper, "Please adore me"
And when I looked the moon hadtumed gold
Blue Moon, now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own

The sentence that best describes the feeling of the man is:
a." Without a love of my own"
b. "You heard me saying a prayer for"
c. "Blue Moon, now I'm no longer alone"
d."Please adore me"

Motivating Your Students

A 10 - Step Guide

1. Listen to your students
2. Talk to your students
3.Tell your students about yourself
4. Teach them USEFUL things
5. Teach the class first - and the coursebook second
6. Be careful how you correct your students
7. Test your students
8. Worry less about topics
9. Worry more about language and anecdotes
10. Look deep into your coursebook

by Hugh Dellar
Read all the article in www.disal.com.br - New Routes

quinta-feira, 3 de março de 2011

Carnival Crime
Kelly was excited. She was on Holiday with her family in a fantastic place – Rio in Brazil. The hotel was wonderful. There was a swimming pool and a garden, and it was near the beach!
Kelly’s brother Steve was excited too. It was carnival time in Rio and that night there was a big party in the street. Everyone had wonderful clothes in different colours – green, blue, red purple, and even gold and silver.
Kelly and Steve wanted to go to the party but they didn’t have any carnival clothes. “Let’s go to a shop and buy some costumes,” said Steve. So they went out of the hotel and into the shopping centre. All the shops had fantastic clothes. They went into a big shop.
Kelly put on a costume – there was a special jacket, a short skirt, a blue T-shirt, white boots and a cowboy hat. She looked in the mirror. “Ha ha, you look terrible!” said Steve.
Steve put on a costume – a pair of red and yellow trousers, a green and red spotty shirt, blue shoes, a silly hat and a red nose. “That’s good! You look like a clown!” said Kelly.
Kelly bought a gold-coloured dress and silver shoes, and Steve bought a superman costume. Now they were ready for the party!
They went back to the hotel. When they arrived they saw a tall, elegant woman in a black dress. She was wearing diamonds on her fingers, on her shoes, on her clothes and in her hair.
“Wow!” said Steve, “Look at her! Who is she?” “That’s Diana Diamond – the famous film star”, said the manager. “The diamonds are famous – they cost thousands of pounds!”
Kelly and Steve went to get ready for the party. At eight o’clock they went to the restaurant with their mum and dad to have dinner. They had steak, chips and salad, and then an enormous ice-cream.
Suddenly they heard someone screaming. “Oh! My diamonds, my diamonds – they are gone! Gone!” Diana Diamond ran into the room. “My diamonds are stolen!” she screamed.
Kelly and Steve went out of the hotel. They saw a man running away with the diamonds. The man had a black cat costume. I the street there were thousands of people wearing colourful costumes. Everybody was dancing and singing. The music was very loud.
“Quick!” shouted Kelly, “After him!”
Kelly and Steve ran after the black cat. It was difficult to see him because of the party in the street. “There he is!” shouted Steve. “He’s going towards the mountain!” The black cat ran faster and faster. Kelly and Steve ran faster too.
Suddenly the black cat stopped. The man fell to the ground. Kelly and Steve sat on the man. The police arrived and took him away to prison. Kelly and Steve took the diamonds back to the hotel and gave them back to Diana Diamond.
“Oh thank you, thank you,” she said.
“My wonderful diamond – I have them back again. You must come to my extra special carnival party on the roof of the hotel”.
So they went to the carnival party and watched the fireworks from the roof of the hotel. It was the best carnival party ever!

Answer True or False

1.There wasn’t a swimming pool.
2.There was a big party in the street.
3.Kelly and Steve have carnival clothes.
4.Kelly and Steve went into a small shop.
5.There were thousands of people wearing colourful costumes.
6.The diamonds are stolen.
7.The music was very loud.
8.The police arrived and took the man away to prison.
9.Kelly and Steve gave the diamonds back to Diana Diamond.
10.Kelly and Steve watched the fireworks from the roof of the street.