Obama in Brazil
Amid revolution in the Middle East and disaster in Japan, President Obama says job creation at home remains his primary responsibility. That's one reason he's arriving in Brazil as the first stop in a three-country Latin America tour, Obama said Saturday morning in his weekly address. “Latin America is a part of the world where the economy is growing very quickly. And as these markets grow, so does their demand for goods and services,” Obama said. “The question is, where are those goods and services going to come from? As president, I want to make sure these products are made in America.” The president's trip will take him from Brazil to Chile to El Salvador and back next Wednesday. While building relationships with key allies, he'll also be seeking to expand markets for American goods and services. “What is clear is that in an increasingly global economy, our partnership with these nations is only going to become more vital. For it's a source of growth and prosperity -- and not just for the people of Latin America, but for the American people as well.”
Fonte – USA Today
1. De acordo com o discurso do Presidente Obama dos EU qual sua principal responsabilidade?
2.Onde a economia está crescendo muito rápido?
3.Enquanto estes mercados crescem qual é a demanda?
4.E de onde ele tem certeza que este s produtos vão vir?
5. O que Obama pretende expandir?
6.Como vai se tornar nossa parceria (EU e BR)?
7. Ligue as expressões a seus significados:
1. And not Just for the people...
2. For the American people as well.
3. For it's a source of growth...
4. And back next Wednesday.
5. Is growing very quickly...
( ) E volta na quarta feira.
( ) E não apenas para as pessoas...
( ) para os americanos também.
( )Está crescendo muito rápido...
( ) Por ser uma fonte
8. Encontre no texto
A viagem do presidente: ..........................................
Enquanto estes mercados crescem: ..................................................
Como a primeira parada: ....................................................................
Eu quero ter a certeza : .........................................................................
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